Monday, August 12, 2013

Gaspers Ben, Assignment 04

Option 1

10 Seconds of Full Animation

UPDATE 8/14/2013

Links for un-edited audio samples:  -  Dormammu  -  Thor

Premise: Thor and Dormammu are in combat. After landing a blow against Thor, Dormammu sprays fire around him. Thor blocks the attack, and while he is obscured from view, Dormammu speaks. Afterwards, Thor reveals himself to be unhurt and declares that he will send the foul creature away.

UPDATE 8/19/2013


UPDATE 8/21/2013

-Spoke with Professor about edited audio for animatic / animation.
-Audio recordings completed and Animatic started.

UPDATE 8/26/2013



UPDATE 9/2/2013


UPDATE 9/4/2013

Found a useful video tutorial for anyone looking to animate movements in Flash. "Jazza" has a good number of videos related to the topic!


UPDATE 9/9/2013


UPDATE 9/11/2013

- Started Mouth Phoneme shapes and lip syncing
- Dabbled with background audio ideas

UPDATE 9/15/2013

Final Animation


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